Saturday, June 29, 2019

Petition re: BHRUT breach promise to keep open KGH A&E

BHRUT have broken their promise to keep open King George A&E. The petition is here

The text is below:

On 1st April 2019 Barking Havering & Redbridge University Hospitals Trust (BHRUT) made the following promise on their website to keep open King George A&E. "We want to be very clear, the threat of closure of the Accident and Emergency unit arising from decisions in 2011 has been removed. There will continue to be an Accident and Emergency unit at King George Hospital'
The current clinical services strategy on the BHRUT website says King George A&E should close. On 2nd May 2019 BHRUT committed to reviewing this strategy including this comment. "We are entering an exciting time for our Trust - designing what our hospitals will look like in the years to come, so we can continue to provide high quality care for the people we serve." In the same statement BHRUT disclose employing  "Carnall Farrar, which specialises in transforming healthcare" as advisers to the review.
 At a public meeting of Seven Kings & Newbury Residents Association on 27th June, Andy Walker asked Joe Fielder the Chair of BHRUT the following question:-
Can Joe agree to put up the following on the BHRUT website:
"Although our clinical strategy is under review we can confirm that King George Hospital will continue to provide a Type 1 A&E department with the provision of a consultant led 24 hour service with full resuscitation facilities and designated accommodation for the reception of accident and emergency patients of all ages as part of the revised strategy."
Joe declined to do this, breaking the promise made on 1st April 2019. So we ask Redbridge Council at their meeting of 19th September to write to BHRUT to confirm that this statement will appear on their website:
"Although our clinical strategy is under review we can confirm that King George Hospital will continue to provide a Type 1 A&E department with the provision of a consultant led 24 hour service with full resuscitation facilities and designated accommodation for the reception of accident and emergency patients of all ages as part of the revised strategy."

Friday, June 21, 2019

Cllr Athwal refuses to ask Secretary of State to revoke decision to close King George A&E

Thank you to everyone attending the photo shoot.

Last night at full Council I raised 5 issues listed at the end of this blog, I was knocked back on everyone. The most important was the first when I asked Cllr Athwal the Leader of Redbridge Council to write to Mr Hancock, the Secretary of State for Health asking him to revoke the 2011 Government decision to close King George A&E.
Cllr Athwal refused to do this, which is baffling as the quotes below from Hansard in 2017 show how crucial the 2011 decision is. 
I have asked Mike Gapes MP to seek Matt Hancock revoke the 2011 decision.  
The 2011 decision was used as the reason for the failed 2018 £49M closure bid. 
Quotes follow
Wes Streeting MP
I congratulate my hon. Friend on securing this important debate. In my capacity as a Labour councillor in the London Borough ​of Redbridge, I currently chair a cross-party working group on the future of A&E provision in north-east London. One frustrating thing is that all the local health leads in the area are working to a decision made by a previous Secretary of State. That ministerial decision still stands and the leads have to work towards it. They do not believe that is achievable or clinically sound. Yet, they point to the Secretary of State when pressed to abandon the plans. I hope that the Minister might be able to reverse that ministerial decision and remove the sword of Damocles from our A&E department.
Mike Gapes MP

I am grateful for that intervention as it saves me from making the same point. During the election campaign, the Secretary of State went to my hon. Friend’s constituency for a private Conservative party function. He was asked by the local paper, the Ilford Recorder, about the plans to close the A&E at King George Hospital. He said that there were no plans to close it in the “foreseeable future”. Now, I do not know how big the crystal ball is. I do not know what kind of telescope the Secretary of State has and which end he is looking through. The fact is that “foreseeable” does not necessarily mean that the A&E will not close in 2019. If it is not going to close in the near future or even in the medium term, why not lift the cloud of uncertainty over the staff and over the planning process? Then we could have a serious look at the draft sustainability and transformation plan for north-east London, which is partly predicated on the closure of A&E at King George Hospital. (my emphasis)
My question to the Leader was
“Can the Leader agree to help the Save King George A&E and Extend it instead campaign by taking the following actions:

1-  write to Mr Hancock, the Secretary of State for Health asking him to revoke the 2011 Government decision to close King George A&E;

2 - write to BHRUT to request they provide a universal ambulatory care service at King George:

3 - live stream this meeting from my phone on the Council Facebook page to amplify the campaign to extend King George Hospital during the petition debate on King George?”

All three were refused, my supplementary question to ask that the banner be displayed at the Town Hall was refused

My request that my petition on the partial transformation of King George and Queens to prepare for the King George A&E closure as revealed in the £49M closure plan here should be referred to Health Scrutiny was refused too.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Speech for Council to present petition

I want to thank the Green Party, Momentum, the North East London Save our NHS, Redbridge Trades Council, the Socialist party and all the campaigners who in April of this year helped uncover the £49M 2016 plan to close King George A&E which I have sent to all Cllrs.

On 2017 I addressed this council with a petition about King George

which included the wording:

 And calls for Redbridge Council to campaign for the re-opening of the closed beds along with the monthly publication of the bed numbers at each hospital and patient death rates along with the bed occupancy rate, staffing levels and waiting lists”

After my presentation Councillors agreed to refer my petition to health scrutiny committee which led to a cross party working group chaired by Wes Streeting which produced a 110 page report into King George & Queens.

So I ask a Councillor in this chamber to:

refer the matters raised in the petition to the Health Scrutiny Committee for consideration as happened in 2017

The petition seeks a public consultation on the new closure plan.

Page 4 of the plan states: “re-route ambulance-borne emergency patients to Queens” and “Repurpose KGH A&E as an Ortho-Geriatric Receiving Unit”. Page 17 talks of “consolidating..emergency care at QH” In BHRUT speak, “consolidating” means closure. Cedar ward at King George was “consolidated” in BHRUT speak, the rest of us thought it closed.

Page 10: "Preliminary work has been taken internally to develop the new clinical pathways") & page 13 “process of transformation has already partially commenced” shows work on the closure plan already taking place. Point 2 describes a new pathway incorporating ambulatory and in-patient care at KGH.

These extracts from pages 10 & 12 are at the heart of the argument for why this Council should refer this £49M bid to your health scrutiny committee to make a detailed examination of whether this preliminary work should be the subject of a public consultation.

Page 10 at paragraph 4 makes it clear that whether this project should be consulted upon was a evenly balanced decision. After getting legal advice, BHRUT saw there was no need to consult because the works were in line with the original 2011 closure decision!

Perhaps you are thinking what's the point? King George A&E is still open and BHRUT say it is going to stay open.

The point is to discover what this “preliminary work” and partial transformation means. We do know that this BHRUT project is radical, part of this project is to refuse ambulatory care at King George with the exception of the “elderly frail” and other patients being sent to Queens. I asked Joe Fielder, the BHRUT chair to name any other Hospital in England who similarly discriminated against patients. He could not name one.

I ask Cllrs to note that key parts of the closure plan have been redacted so we cannot know for certain how much other preliminary work has been done on the A&E closure. How many patients are being sent to Queens which could be treated at King George is not disclosed.

There is a sharp difference between type 1 A&E performance between King George and Queens. Queens was at 48% and King George at 69% in February of this year. Wes Streeting's report found evidence of death rates increasing with long waits in A&E. The new clinical pathways developed by BHRUT need to be scrutinised very carefully by Health Scrutiny to discover if they overloading Queens.

Silence is assent to these changes, Council needs to act tonight to challenge them.

Your 2017 Cross party report seeks greater transparency form BHRUT on bed numbers and other information. I regret to inform you that BHRUT is disclosing less information than it was in 2017 per an email sent to you earlier today. This withholding of key information by BHRUT contributes to being unable to monitor what this partial transformation of our hospitals is doing to care.

It is clear that BHRUT have been running a long running campaign of deception to hide the new plan to close KGH A&E. I have sought an apology from Joe Fielder for the poor conduct of the board, he denied to do and yesterday denied any deception, I am baffled as to why.

Back in November 2017, we were given an assurance that BHRUT were to carry out a genuine review into the future of King George A&E. We now know know this was a sham, all along since 2016 BHRUT had been working on a new plan to close King George A&E. BHRUT now say KGH is safe, I will believe when the secretary of sate for health retracts the closure plan.

BHRUT have put in a bid for £6.4M of PFI capital monies, BHRUT say it is nothing to do with closing KGH A&E, until the bid document is published it must be a concern that it is for advancing the plan to close King George A&E.
The best way to save our A&E is to extend it and I look for your support on 20th July to campaign for a new wing for our hospital. The statistics for BHRUT January A&E attendances speak for themselves

2016: was 23,696 patient attendances 
2017: was 24,289  
2018: was 25,168  
2019: was 27,641

Email follows to BHRUT seeking information

Dear Sir or Madam

Thank you for your emails regarding the above. I have linked the requests together because they all relate to the £49M bid to close King George A&E.

A common ground for all three decision reviews is the Francis report,  which demanded greater openness and transparency of NHS managers to reduce the prospect of another Mid-Staffs, is being ignored by this trust. BHRUT's refusal to supply the information I seek undermines my ability to test my argument that BHRUT, like the managers at Mid-Staffs, have become so focused on a target, namely closing King George A&E, that care has been compromised. The information sought either relates directly to the £49M bid or allows me to monitor the impact of the works already taken place to close KGH A&E outlined in the £49M bid document.

For ease of administration, I would be grateful if you send all three replies at the same time so as make it easier for any further appeal to the Information Officer's Office to take place.

Internal Review 5923 re Freedom of Information request 5751 re bed numbers, bed occupancy and excess deaths

Your point 1 about bed numbers

I maintain the points I made in my review email below of 1st March, which is copied below for ease of reference. BHRUT used to supply this information to me and the public about beds in the board papers. That that was the correct interpretation of reasonable disclosure.

Your point 2 about Critical bed occupancy

Your £49 bid to close KGH A&E mentions BHRUT does not have enough critical care beds. It must be in the public interest for this information to be published.

Regarding both point 1 & 2, BHRUT commits to sharing this information with me but only when the information has been put into the public domain. Seeing as this relates to information relates to data from October 2018 I am puzzled as to why it has not been sent to me. Can BHRUT tell me what the time lag is before this information will be sent to me?

Your point 3 on excess deaths

I supplied FoI 4318 to you to show on 10.1.17, I request the data in the format previously supplied.

Whatever you term death stats to choose  is irrelevant, it will be helpful to me and the public to track these key six illnesses to track what is happening in our hospitals. Should BHRUT choose to be pedantic on this point, I can put in a fresh FoI.

Internal Review 5926 re the £49M bid to close King George A&E

Page 4 of the bid lists “Physical Assets Obtained”, a key passage has been blanked out so preventing the public knowing what assets are to be obtained. Redacting other key passages happens at page 8,9,10,15,17,19 ,22,28,29,34,36,37-39

This matters because page 10 says “Preliminary work has been undertaken” & the “process of transformation has already partially commenced”

The public need to know exactly how much “preliminary work” has taken place so as to judge whether the BHRUT decision not to provide a public consultation on this “preliminary work” should be challenged.  BHRUT states this work will“radically transform the care of elderly and frail patients” at page 13.

Request 6097 £6.4M PFI bid and £3.1M

I still maintain the "resubmission" document should be disclosed in full. The limited accounting information gives the impression that is an application of a total of £6.4 is fresh capital.

You write

“The £6.4m figure quoted in the table we previously provided to you is planned to cover costs of the PFI lifecycle and PFI Managed Equipment Service for Queen's Hospital. This is not a new bid. The £3.1m relates to funds we are trying to access from national programmes including EPMA and Health System Led Investment.”

I seek a decision review because the information you provide above does not bear scrutiny.

If the PFI is existing monies there would be no need to apply, BHRUT will have signed a contract and the government would have to pay.

What the £3.1M is for exactly is to vague.

BHRUT supplied the £49M bid, I see no reason why the £25M resubmission (which includes the PFI and £3.1M should not be disclosed in full too.


Andy Walker

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Speech for BHRUT comment

I will be critical of BHRUT in a speech at Redbridge Council tomorrow. In the interests of fairness I go to the BHRUT board meeting today to ask them to to comment on three deceptions made by BHRUT I list at,

A draft of speech follows tomorrow and I will invite the Chair to comment.

BHRUT has treated this Council, Havering Council and the Department of Health with contempt.

Back in 2015, Ben Gummer then a parliamentary under secretary of state,wrote to this council to say

Changes to the A&E service at King George Hospital will not be made until they are further improvements in the quality of emergency care and when more work has taken place to reduce the need for hospital attendance and to provide care closer to home”

So giving an instruction to BHRUT not to close King George A&E if attendances were rising and care standards improved.

However in 2016 (1) BHRUT agreed a new secret plan to close King George A&E, and breaches Mr Gummer's instructions by ignoring his benchmarks regarding care and attendance.

BHRUT and others claim £49M plan which came to light in April of this year is not a plan to close King George A&E. I have sent this plan to all Cllrs, at page 4 it states “re-route ambulance-borne emergency patients to Queens” and “Repurpose KGH A&E as an Ortho-Geriatric Receiving Unit” Page 17 talks of “consolidating..emergency care at QH” In BHRUT speak means closure, Cedar ward which was closed at KGH, was also consolidated in BHRUT speak, rather than closed.

Page (7) of the closure plan in the 5th paragraph shows the new closure plan was agreed in 2016.

Page 10 (first paragraph: "Preliminary work") & page 13 (process of transformation has already partially commenced) shows work on the closure plan already taking place.

It is clear that BHRUT have treated the Cllrs who sat on Wes Streeting's report into the future of King George with contempt. At no time did the BHRUT maners who gave evidence to the working disclose they were taking steps to close KGH A&E a disgrace.

BHRUT treated Havering Cllrs with contempt by not disclosing to them them that the application they put in 2018 to extend Queens was part of a plan a close it.

BHRUT treated the Department of Health with contempt by not disclosing to them that A&E attendances were going through the roof at time of the £49M bid and continue to do so now.

BHRUT also gave the impression that Havering and Redbridge Council were in favour of the closure plan by implying their planners were on board and so supportive of ther £49M bid to close KGH A&E

The January A&E attendance patient attendance for the last four years for King George & Queens is

2016: 23,696 patient attendances 
2017: 24,289 patient attendances 
2018: 25,168 patient attendances 
2019: 27,641 patient attendances

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Perhaps not a win for the campaign after all: Still don't know what £9.5M for

The photo shoot on June 3rd was asking BHRUT to disclose what an application for £25M of public was for per the extract from the May board papers below:

 The campaign organised a photo shoot to say ask for disclosure per the pic here:

Thank you very much for everyone attending:

I thought we won the point on disclosure to get the breakdown below:

However, I have been prompted by an email from a KGH A&E campaigner to look at this breakdown again.

I made an assumption that the PFI is for the existing PFI contract, this may be incorrect, secondly the purpose of the central programme £3.1M is not accounted for and remains a mystery.

Combining the £3.1M central programme and the £6.4M means a total bid of £9.5M of public monies which we do not know the purpose of. This is unacceptable and I hope BHRUT will tell what is going on.

If BHRUT do not publish the purpose of the £9.5M it will fuel speculation that the money is for works at Queens as part of the plan to close KGH A&E.