Monday, October 30, 2017

Plug for Emergency Department Focus Group on 13th November

Redbridge Council has written the below to me asking me to plug the following event

Dear Mr Walker,

I am writing to bring to your attention a focus group event which is being organised by the BHRUT Emergency Department Scrutiny Working Group, in conjunction with Healthwatch Redbridge, to gather views on the proposed closure of KGH A&E and the provision of emergency and urgent care services, which would inform the findings of a Scrutiny outcome report due to be published at the end of January.

Please see the links below for further details:

Apologies if you have received this information more than once, but I just wanted to ensure that you had been included in the circulation and I would kindly request that you please share the notice below on your blog to enable a diverse range of people to register their interest and attend the event 13 November.

Some suggested wording, if required, is as follows:

Emergency Department Focus Group

Healthwatch Redbridge is currently working in partnership with Redbridge Health Scrutiny Committee to review the proposed closure of KGH A&E and consider the provision of Urgent and Emergency health care services in Redbridge.

A Focus Group event is planned to take place on Monday 13 November from 2.00pm to 4.00pm and if you are interested in attending please click here for more information.

Thank you for your assistance.

Kind regards,

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