Sunday, June 26, 2022

Study reveals shocking levels of beds making case for new wing at KGH

 This is from the Guardian today

"The average number of beds per 1,000 people in OECD EU nations is 4.6, but the UK has just 2.4. It also identified a major issue with GPs. “The equivalent of 1,348 fewer fully qualified full-time GPs were working in the NHS when the pandemic hit in March 2020 than there were in 2015,” it found."

No wonder our NHS is such a state, let's hope the campaign for a new wing at KGH gets some more supporters. 

My guess is the average number for the BHRUT region is worse the UK average of 2.4 per 1,000. The East London population has grown but not the bed numbers at KGH & Queens.

Hopefully local health scrutiny committee will asking what the average number of beds is for BHRUT per thousand. .

Full article at