Sunday, June 9, 2019

Perhaps not a win for the campaign after all: Still don't know what £9.5M for

The photo shoot on June 3rd was asking BHRUT to disclose what an application for £25M of public was for per the extract from the May board papers below:

 The campaign organised a photo shoot to say ask for disclosure per the pic here:

Thank you very much for everyone attending:

I thought we won the point on disclosure to get the breakdown below:

However, I have been prompted by an email from a KGH A&E campaigner to look at this breakdown again.

I made an assumption that the PFI is for the existing PFI contract, this may be incorrect, secondly the purpose of the central programme £3.1M is not accounted for and remains a mystery.

Combining the £3.1M central programme and the £6.4M means a total bid of £9.5M of public monies which we do not know the purpose of. This is unacceptable and I hope BHRUT will tell what is going on.

If BHRUT do not publish the purpose of the £9.5M it will fuel speculation that the money is for works at Queens as part of the plan to close KGH A&E.

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